We left early and met Superhans, who kindly allowed us to move into his room in San Fran and did the array of washing up that we had stacked up from the camping trip and then headed down to Fishermans wharf. We hit Pier 39 and saw the sea lions before getting some chowda and making plans to make my own when I return to blighty. We then went to Jacks on the wharf for some beers and watched the San Fran Giants beat Houston at baseball. To our delight Hans' Taiwanese flatmates mother (mamma) was staying and made us dinner, and we passed the time with Gears of War 2 and a few beers before passing out to a film.
Sleep was a chore once again due to Pennys chainsaw snoring but it also helped me get up early, move the van due to strict San Fran parking laws, and also clean out three weeks of crap, while the boys slept. This bought me the morning off and after mamma prepared us a delicous dumpling breakfast the boys took the Pioneer Brian on his final trip with our company. I stayed in and had more breakfast and fresh coffee (something I really missed). After a couple of hours of being lazy I set off with the aim of meeting the boys in Union Square but as I forgot my notepad with the directions I had to go by memory. I headed down Market street (which stank of piss) and after being called a 'mothafucka' by some homeless guy for not giving him money or buying his drugs or walking his rat, I went and bought some socks and got myself lost. After finding Union Square, the boys and scouting the hostel we were moving into the next day we bought some wine and returned to Hans'. The boys played Gears while I drank a bottle of red and chilled to the stereophonics, and in true san fran style I got sedated (by booze) and listened to music, good music, my international home. In the evening we went to Zeitgistfor a few beers. It had a huge beer garden and cooked all of the food on a grill outside producing an odd combination of BBQ smell and weed. We walked home, had some beers and watched a film, once again passing out to it.
Mamma made us breakfast again and I was amazed by the way she made fried eggs with only chopsticks without breaking the yolk. We left Hans' place with Mamma offering us her house to stay in Taiwan if we visited and got the bus down Market to our hostel. Savage having stayed there three weeks earlier on his first night was greeted in infamy, everybody knew who he was. Sandra (see sleepless in seattle) had flown down to hang out and coincidentally had booked a hotel across the road from us. We booked a city tour and did a two hour loop before hitting a dive bar Penny had seen called the nightcap. It may be the scariest, grimiest establishment I have ever been to but drinks were cheap. In my slightly squiffy stage I claimed Prince William was a search and rescue pirate. We met Hans and went to Chinatown for dinner and Savage suggested that as Hans is Asian he could get mates rates. Following dinner we hiked the highest point of interest in Seattle Coit tower and went up to the top for sun set.
On the way back down the ever mischievous Sandra was ringing doorbells and running away or pulling faces or telling her stories, all of which are very entertaining (especially when you know the truth). After a couple more beers the boys went back to the hostel and Sandra and I went for a walk, but as there was nothing to do in Union Square at night except avoid the bums we went back to her hotel, only to find the fire alarm going off and three fire trucks outside. We waited in the cold till we were allowed back in. Funnily enough we had seen a spongebob doll in the gutter early and as we were going into the hotel we saw a women clearly on crack or meth walking him home.....spongebob had hit the gutter and then prostitution to fund his gary habbits.
We talked into the night again and crashed into a very refreshing sleep.
We started the next day at Starbucks where they took my name as Andreas. We got down to Pier 39 and I showed Sandra the Sea Lions which she seemed to love and then as Sandra is a free spirit we stopped at every busker and stall down Fishermans Wharf. She went on to pay for our characture and had it signed Andres and Frankenstein, after our back story that we were locals that decided to do the tourist thing as we never have before.
We were going to walk the Golden Gate Bridge but it was fogged out so we went to the De Young observetory and the Japanese Tea Gardens instead.
We then met the boys down Fishermans wharf fresh from their day to Alcatraz (which I couldn't afford but I've been before so no biggy), they were already soused and after some crab chowda we went to hooters happy hour to get the booze flowing.
Sandra pulled the waitresses number and impressed with her winging capabilities, at which I suck. A very drunk Savage claimed Tiger Sharks weren't shark and truly failed to pour a pint, spilling it everywhere several times.
After a quick change we went to a club called the cellar for $3 all night beers. Things got off to a philosophical start with sandra saying "knowing is not seeing" about the human centipede.....I'd rather just know. This chick is pretty cool so I'm writing a song about her, it's a work in progress and I can't write music so it may take a lifetime. Sandra winged again and got us talking to some cool people including Noel a really hot, sweet and fun girl from Hawaii, I saw Savages chance and did my best wingman work to see the opportunity and move away for Savage to take it.
What Savage did do was expose his testicles which Sandra got annoyed about, argued with him to which Savage pushed her in the face.....twice and was soon ejected. After a lot more booze I practically had to carry Sandra back to her hotel and put her to bed, then I found Penny outside our hostel looking sketchy. In his equally inebriated state he had bought a bottle of Bacardi and was trying to smuggle it into our hostel.....that allows you to drink. Savage wasn't in the room and based on how drunk he was and ejected I had concerns about his where abouts. Never the less Pen and I went to the lounge for a nightcap and some internet. I started talking bollocks to a French guy from Paris, genuinely trying to give him a hard time when he said you should check on your friend. I turned to see Penny face down on the arm of the chair with vom just free flwoing from his mouth. I carried my second person of the night to bed. I then proceeded to call all the local jails and hospitals to find Savage as my concerns mounted. Luckily someone found him in the hostels club asleep in a corner and the girl looking after him was from Plymouth all girls on North Hill (my uni town across the road from where I lived there). She helped me carry him to bed and Savage although bollocko managed to ask her out to which she said she was gay. After putting Savage to bed I asked if she really was gay, to which she said 'I can be Bi, what are you doing tomorrow night?', just thought that was a great line. Well played but we were leaving early the next morning.
You'd think that would be shenanigans over for the night but oh no. I woke at 5am to the sound of splashing water not by the sink. I sat up and a naked figure was pissing on the wall, I started yelling at who I thought was Savage until I saw him asleep in his bed and the naked figure was Penny. He then went over to the only guy in our room and stood over him naked until the guy left the hostel, then even creepier he got in his bed, starkers.
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