From the title you may notice I am disgruntled, a little. Well we got up at 5am to get a flight to DC, we had a really zoned out taxi driver whose car was way to hot and complained the tip wasn't good enough, when it was one of the better tips we have been able to provide. We then found out that we were booked onto the 7.30 and 9.30 flight, thank you Jetblue, and as a result they couldnt confirm us on the early flight (that we had to get up for), and put us on standby. We made the flight and got to a very hot and humid DC, we put the bags in a locker and did the Smithsonian museums on the mall, until check in.
A few hours after check in I realised that we were surrounded by very few people of our age (mostly schoolkids or oldies, stoney would be thrilled) and families, and so many French (quick invade now, I swear they're all here). And the Dalai Lama is in town doing a conference on Buddhism at $42 a day.
So I am currently reading the motorcycle diaries, and although I will never be a revolutionary like Che, I am enjoying the depiction of his journey and makes me look at my trip from a different perspective. Sunday evening we made a large steak dinner and went on an evening tour of the sites to see them all lit up.
I feel that after visiting DC, again, I am losing my love affair with places I have been in the USA and as such feel that I probably won't return to these locations again, unless I do a nostalgic tour in my twilight. Fortunately the remaining USA stops are all new to me and I am very excited to explore and ruin them for others.
Monday we did the remaining Smithsonian museums, Jeffereson monument (my favourite) and Arlington Cemetery. It was very very hot and it was uncomfortable to be walking everywhere, so we treated ourselves to Asian happy hour down the road. In the evening after a pasta dinner the hostel put on there was extreme thunder and lightening and Penny and I went to Adams Morgan Madams Organ (finally) and got our drink on.
Once again it was too hot so I slept in the TV instead of my bed. Its weird my pet peeves are sleeping in too late and tardiness but in this weather I have reverted to this state as I can't seem to function in this heat. So went for lunch at Ben's Chilli Bowl, an all black owned and run diner since the 1950's with world famous Chilli Dogs.
There is a sign on the wall saying people who eat for free: Bill Crosby, the Obama family, and nobody else. Sarkozy and Carla Bruni along with Obama all have pictures on the wall of them eating there. Hot Dog may very well be the best I have ever had.
After lunch we went to the Pentagon (not alot to see) where they have a moving Sept 11th memorial but you can't take pictures, so I can't show you. Then we finished up the monuments in the day time and sweated a lot, so got shirtless.
Had Tacos at the hostel then Beer and Thai sandwiches at a restaurant where we have become infamous in under 24hrs.
Miami tomorrow!
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