Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The end of Boston

So to finish off with Boston we had a delicious lunch at BOLLOCO (Boston Local Company) burito bar, and spent time in the JFK Library (a must if you ever visit Boston), and then Penny wanted to take pictures of famous peoples graves. Not Michael Jackson or Elizabeth Taylor, more founding fathers (yawn), so we saw John Handpenis (Hancock) and Samual Adams (always a good decision) graves.

Then came four loco, we decided to have one each before a night out, *disclaimer, don't! We met Hiro in a bar and after 2 or 3 more drinks I blacked out and next thing I know I'm awake in my bed with possibly the worst hang over to date.

Penny however had a much greater adventure, the bar Dillans is 300 yards up the road and you can see it from our hostel. Penny couldn't remember where the hostel was (I blame four loco) and ended up getting a taxi to Fenway (half a mile passed our hostel and proceeded to walk back, and get more lost. Four loco is evil and has now been banned from my body!

Saturday we attempted Harvard in the heat while hung over and we proceeded to give up quite quickly, which is a shame as I have such fond memories. I then slept away most of my hang over and went for drinks and dinner at the North Market at Quincy, and Winders joined us for food and 'Chowda'!

Sunday we left for DC.

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